The AtoZ of EOS_Koi

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Fear takes us down an unexpected road in EOS, a revolutionary Solarpunk story from author Samantha Redstreake Geary, in collaboration with artist Jenny Vyas, featuring music by Really Slow Motion, and groundbreaking graphics via designer Koke Núñez Gómez

A new dawn is on the horizon, where boundaries are broken, diversity is embraced, and an optimistic, creative vision of our future on Earth takes center stage.

EOS is a powerful solarpunk story narrated by FEAR, who tackles real-world issues concerning terrorism, prejudice, and diversity, to near-future technology surrounding sustainable energy that restores the balance between humanity and nature. This isn’t a defeatist tale. It is a look through the lens of positive futurism that showcases the courage, compassion and capabilities of humanity as equal partners in building a bridge to a better tomorrow.

Of Fortunes and Fish


Masako holds up her hand. She looks at the water and points to a striking black fish with scrolling white markings. “Do you know this koi?”

EOS initiates a new search. “It is a Kumonryu, meaning nine tattooed dragon, which originated in—”

“No,” the woman interrupts. “I am asking about this Kumonryu.”

EOS hesitates, confusion wrinkling her translucent brow.

“Some things you cannot find in a database. Some things are held only in the mind,” Masako brings her hand to her chest, “in the heart. Stories that make something what they are, that make a person who they are.”

“How will I know these things?”

“By asking the right questions and listening to the answers.”

EOS pauses for a moment. “What do you know about the Kumonryu?”

Masako smiles and turns back to the water, a raven curtain falling across her face. “In my country, there is a legend about a Kumonryu that has lived for hundreds of years. Its markings change with the seasons, and every spring it reveals one’s fortune with love. For generations, it has predicted the soulmate for every member of its host family.”

EOS cocks her head, considering the answer. “What do you know about this Kumonryu?

“You learn quickly,” Masako laughs. “This particular fish bears the markings of a fortune.”

EOS stares at the fish. “I do not understand the markings.”

“The art of reading a Kumonryu is a family tradition passed down from mother to daughter.”

EOS understands. “You can read the fortune.”

Masako nods.

“What does it say?”

“Girl of light…follow love…across bridge.”

“What does it mean?” EOS asks, clearly puzzled.

“That, I cannot say.”

Behind the Scenes
– Starring AtoZ rockstars –

Vidya Sury walked alongside a school of vivid koi, a cup of Colombian warming her hands. She found Viridis to be a fitting sanctuary for mindful living–a place of peace and tranquility, where she and her son could set down roots and watch possibility flourish. She suspected a special kind of magic raced through the waters of Viridis, and she was more than happy to live under its spell. Vidya spied her friend Michelle across the canal and waved. Another beautiful smile to add to her collection.  

Michelle Wallace sat near the waterfall’s edge where she tossed crumbs to a comical black and white koi and chatted about her favorite literary works from friends across the globe with Zalka. After an arduous journey from South Africa, she was relieved to see so many familiar faces attending the summit and couldn’t wait to meet up with them over bottles of wine and witty banter.    

Rafael invited renowned Hungarian storyteller, Zalka Csenge Virág, to Viridis to discuss diversity and representation in traditional stories. Having recently returned from the whirlwind tour for her, Tales of Superhuman Powers, Csenge was thrilled to settle into such an inspiring setting for the duration of April.

Sitting across from Michelle and Zalka, having an animated discussion with the empty chairs beside him, was Roland Yeomans. He was, in fact, debating the challenge of writing via free association with the ghosts of Twain and Freud. They both agreed he should stick to something clever, like The Not-So-Innocents Abroad, and perhaps be a tad more subtle when talking to invisible friends. Even the fish were giving him a wide berth.

Really Slow Motion – Battle Angel – Reborn – James Minas, Lydia Davies


EOS Commenting Contest

Swing by and leave us a comment for a chance to WIN a digital copy of RSM’s latest public album, Battle Angel!

Each Comment = One Entry 

Battle Angel_RSM

EOS Review Contest

Starting April 1st, I’ll reveal sensory-rich sneak peeks into the world of EOS, a futuristic sci fi solarpunk short story available on AMAZON for $0.99Post a REVIEW of EOS on AMAZON by May 31st and you’ll be entered to WIN a signed copy of RSM’s Battle Angel and signed limited edition print from painter, Jenny Vyas!

Add EOS on Goodreads!

EOS_Amazon Cover

6 thoughts on “The AtoZ of EOS_Koi

  1. You never cease to amaze. So lovely, gosh if only we could all meet at such a peaceful place. The picture is there and the way you paint it, I believe it is happening, somewhere! A different dimension? Why not!


  2. How inventive you are, Sam. Thanks for including me. The ghost of Mark Twain was chipper at being included, too. The ghost of Freud, like all psychiatrists, was non-committal. 🙂


  3. I am under your spell and have been from the moment you charmed me with the promise of coffee.. this is so very beautiful, Sam. Such an honor to be showcased. Pure magic. My heart is full. Thank you.


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