To Encourage and Inspire

ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD2 samThere’s no better way to jump back into the writing community than joining WEP’s fun-filled challenges! Support and kindness run through the veins of this talented group. At the prompting of my dear friend & brilliant writer, Damyanti, I tossed my literary hat into the “Spectacular Setting” ring, where Yolanda Renee & Denise Covey rolled out the virtual welcome mat and made everyone feel right at home. I’m honored to be the recipient of their encouragement (special thanks to Donna Hole) and will take this as a sign that I’m traveling down the right path.

The feedback was especially reassuring, since the excerpt I featured, The Weight of Wonder, was taken from my YA fantasy novel, Architects of Illusion. As I wrestle with the final draft of this beast, I find myself questioning what it is, exactly, that I wish to accomplish in literature.

Really Slow Motion – Illume – Rain Boy – Phillip Lober

My writing has evolved into something more. I dream of traveling well beyond the act of telling a compelling story that resonates with readers across the world.  I want my words to not only capture the imagination, but inspire and encourage, with layers of deeper meaning that reaches into a reader’s heart and strengthens from within. I want to be a driving creative force that awakens the mind and charges the spirit to see past the impossible in a world where limitations reign.

What do you hope to accomplish with your writing?

This is Epic Music Vol 1Unravel the mystery of UNCHARTED by September 7th HERE, and YOU could bring home a signed, This Is Epic Music Vol. 1, via co-founder & president of Immediate Music, award-winning composer, Yoav Goren!

InsecureWritersSupportGroupIWSG, a community of brilliant writers led by Alex J. Cavanaugh, meets the first Wednesday of every month. Visit the Insecure Writer’s Support Group website and database! You’ll find  everything from writing to marketing, along with encouragement and support!

10 thoughts on “To Encourage and Inspire

  1. Congratulations!
    Sorry about the name mistake – we’re both perfectionists and try so hard not to have stuff like that happen, but happen it does!
    But it doesn’t take away from the fact that you won! You’re a brilliant writer and I know you’ll achieve your goals.This statement alone proves that to me! “I want to be a driving creative force that awakens the mind and charges the spirit to see past the impossible in a world where limitations reign.” Such a beautiful sentiment and an unselfish goal – I’ve no doubt you’ll achieve!


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