The Great and Powerful A to Z Theme Reveal

FINAL A to Z Theme RevealWith the greatest international blog event ever created, The A to Z Challenge *sign up here*, hovering on the horizon, you may be asking yourself, “Should I invest in a few more pounds of coffee?” or “Should I send the kids to Grandma’s for the entire month of April?” or “Should I rent a cabana on a remote island for the duration, with unwavering internet service, a full open bar and an on-call massage therapist who resembles Henry Cavill and articulates like Benedict Cumberbatch?”, the answer to all of which is a resounding YES.

When faced with a tougher question, such as “to theme or not to theme?” during the 26-day regimen, look to the Magnificent Seven of #TeamDamyanti to “unofficially” advise you.

Themes are fun. They make an impression on your audience. For instance, if you, perchance, plan on incorporating tantalizing images of attractive Australian members of the male persuasion into your “cooking up something hot” theme–chances are, I’m gonna visit. Often. Themes also make the idea of 26 consecutive posts *minus Sundays, when we swim in a vat of wine and snack on cheese crackers* less daunting.

Inspired by my talented girl, Mina Lobo, who initiated the “Theme Reveal Blogfest” during last year’s A to Z, my fellow house elves, Vidya Sury, Anna Tan, Csenge Zalka, Guilie Castillo Oriard, *with technical support from Jemima Pett & Mary Wallace* and I are thrilled to host a virtual social gathering where you can reveal your upcoming theme BEFORE the fun begins in April!

I know what you’re thinking? How do I pitch in for the wine & crackers? I’ll get to that later. For now, add your blog to the Linky List below, and come MARCH 21st, publish a post that WOWS us with your A to Z Theme! This is the perfect opportunity to gather drinking partners an audience before the challenge even begins. Think of it as amassing pre-orders for your new release, thus ensuring your opening week is a smashing success!

Sam’s THEME REVEAL (opens March 21st)

Grab the Great & Powerful A to Z THEME REVEAL badge above, slap it on your side bar and sign up for the party!

Click HERE to join the Great & Powerful THEME REVEAL party!

Damyanti Team Banner

73 thoughts on “The Great and Powerful A to Z Theme Reveal

  1. Samantha! It has been many a year since I have enjoyed such high-falutin’ hyperbola, such as I have just read! I must admit, you put me to shame with your wit and debonair suavity. Clever badinage and witty repartee is clearly your forte and I enjoyed reading your post. Kudos to you for an awesome badge and a beautiful website! #teamDamyanti is going to do wonderful things this year and I’m proud to be a part of it! Thank you so much for your time and your talents! ~~Mary


    • Hi Jay! Technically, I did too–but, I have some surprises in store that will be saved for the big REVEAL *muwahaha* I say, join in the fun & bring something unexpected to the party! I’ll save ya a drink:)


  2. Nice job on the badge for this theme reveal, Sam! I love how you provided ideas for foodie bloggers (and mommy bloggers) to pick a theme for their A-to-Z Challenge participation. Cheers to you!

    Having just stopped by Vidya’s place where I learned the details of the hop-within-a-hop, I’m glad #TeamDamytanti came together quickly to host this reveal.

    2014 #atozchallenge Co-Host


  3. Sign me up for that massage therapist! 😀
    I announced my theme last year early, but I still participated in Mina Lobo’s reveal blogfest, solely because it was tons of fun! Especially the hop part. Which I am doing right now. Ribbit, *hops on*


  4. Hey Sam, that’s a gorgeous badge!
    Wow! I love the stage complete with dramatic sweeping red drapes…
    All signed up… now just to finalise the finer details of my theme…

    See you next week for the Ubuntu Blog Hop! Don’t forget to bring the cocktails… you promised… remember…? 🙂
    I’m looking forward to reading all the entries!


  5. Reblogged this on M.L. Swift, Writer and commented:
    I’m getting psyched up about the upcoming A to Z Challenge 2014 in April. It will be my first—last year I signed up and wrote a few posts, but came down with pneumonia a few days beforehand and pulled out. This year, knock on wood (and pop a few antibios), I’m raring to go.

    Samantha Redstreake Geary and friends are hosting a Theme Reveal Party on March 21 to get everyone even more psyched, if that’s at all possible. I’ve reblogged her post; for more details, read further.

    Personally, I can’t wait! Tune in on March 21st to see what my theme will be.


  6. Pingback: The Great and Powerful A to Z Theme Reveal | M.L. Swift, Writer

  7. Pingback: The Great and Powerful A to Z Theme Reveal | M.L. Swift, Writer

  8. Hallo Sam!

    🙂 Thank you for dropping by my blog today! You’re comment gave me a happy smile! I was thankful you found something that interested you! 🙂 I have my theme selected for the *big!* reveal and as I mentioned earlier on another AtoZ blog, what I am hoping to experience during April is not only the bliss of seeing the AtoZ posts flying into my blog’s main page, but to see visitors arriving who leave notes for me as well! 🙂 I love conversations & feedback. I was reading a few goals others participants have as well, and I think its great that we can all strive to reach our own AtoZ dreams!

    I meant to ask this earlier, are we meant to save the AtoZ Reveal badge to our computer & upload it on our individual reveal posts?! I hadn’t realised to enter my blog so soon until I read your explanation above, as I originally thought we had to wait until the 21st of March! :O Whoopsie! Oh, yes that is what you said to do! Grab and display it! Right-o! Will be doing that shortly! Thanks!

    Eek. The excitement is catching with this event!


  9. set up my march 21st post. i’ve never scheduled a post before. i hope it works. and having fun looking for my a to z stuff. heh heh. hope all is going well. hee!

    you know you’re pulling an antisocial person into the social world.


  10. Here’s my ad for April: “Wanted Cabana Boy needed for month of April. Must know how to make and serve anything without disturbing author. Shoulder rubs allowed. Must have good sense of humor. Send references.”


  11. Pingback: Blogging Challenge A-Z 2014 | Days in the Life of a Christian Veterinarian

  12. Pingback: Getting ready for the Blogging from A to Z Challenge | 20/20 Hines Sight

  13. Pingback: Let it Go | writerlysam

  14. Pingback: The Great and Powerful Theme Reveal Bloghop | Sydney Aaliyah Michelle

  15. Pingback: My April A to Z Challenge 2014 Theme Reveal #atozchallenge @AprilA2Z - Vidya Sury

  16. Pingback: A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal | 20/20 Hines Sight

  17. Pingback: A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal | A Short A Day

  18. Pingback: A to Z Prologue « PepperWords

  19. Pingback: Today’s the Day! | Melissa Janda – A Time to Write

  20. Pingback: April Showers Bring May-ny Fantabluous… | Perspective of a Writer

  21. Pingback: A to Z Theme Reveal_A Glimpse Behind the Curtain | writerlysam

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