A to Z Theme Reveal_A Glimpse Behind the Curtain

FINAL A to Z Theme Reveal It’s finally here! The moment we’ve all been waiting for! The coolest virtual social gathering leading up to the largest and longest international party on seven continents, The A to Z Challenge *sign up here*!

Special shout-out to the Magnificent Seven of #TeamDamyanti for hosting this historic event! Be sure to visit my fellow house elves, Vidya Sury, Anna Tan, Csenge Zalka, Guilie Castillo Oriard, Jemima Pett & Mary Wallace, and our fearless leader, Damyanti!


Check out the hundreds of REVEALS HERE!

Damyanti Team BannerNow, for a sneak peek behind the red curtain. *insert drum roll here*

Wait for it.


Henry Cavill as Superman in Man of Steel

Oh, hello Henry. Thrilled you could swing by, but it’s not time for you yet. Ahem, BEHIND the guy wearing the red curtain.

Castle in the Mist by Gray Artus


Welcome to Olympus, where the Muses of Greek Mythology are charged with the responsibility of discovering, inspiring, guiding, and molding the young incarnations of legends past until they once again take the form of greatness. Enter a world steeped in ancient mythology and mystery. Embark on a journey through the imagination with an enchanting cast of characters as they uncover who they once were and who they will become.

Join me, and a host of brilliant composers from the film music industry, this April, as I unveil sneak peeks of an epic YA fantasy series inspired by my backyard neighbors, the Biltmore Estate!

Oh, and there will be PRIZES! I adore comments. So much so, that I’m willing to part with a very tempting Biltmore-themed prize pack, that may include three of a writer’s main food groups: Coffee, Wine, and Chocolate.

Every comment = a coveted entry into the proverbial hat for the prize pack!

Should you feel compelled to FOLLOW this site, LIKE my author FB and FOLLOW me on TWITTER I will happily reciprocate and throw in some extra entries!

AND that’s not all!

Speaking of EPIC, I’ve another surprise glimpse behind the cinematic red curtain!


Chris Hemsworth as Thor

Also in the month of APRIL, I’ll be hosting the mother of all WRITING CONTESTS with my favorite composer gang over in Hollywood and leaders of the film music industry, AUDIOMACHINE! As part of a global, cross-industry promotional project for audiomachine’s upcoming public release, PHENOMENA, we’re introducing a groundbreaking campaign to encourage the next generations of authors, artists, musicians & composers! And YOU can be a part of this historical event!


Open Internationally!

▶ Create your own Superhero and give us an extraordinary tale, under 1200 words, geared toward Young Adults and inspired by the PHENOMENA album track, “Fortress of Solitude“.

Entries will be accepted April 1st through May 1st. Entries must be posted in the comments section of the dedicated PHENOMENA page (opening April 1st)

The Top 3 Winners will be determined by myself and audiomachine. PHENOMENA-themed prizes will be awarded to our Top 3. The 1st place winner will be PUBLISHED in the first ever audiomachine album companion ebook for PHENOMENA.

Stop by April 1st for more details on this incredible event, including a special contest announcement for ARTISTS!

Speaking of Heroes, I’m thrilled to announce the latest release from my dear friend and literary hero, M. Pax!

worldsonedgeWEBWorlds on Edge, Backworlds Book 5

AmazonUS / Amazon UK / Nook / Smashwords / iTunes / Other Outlets

War is coming. A horde of merciless aliens poise just beyond the Edge. In a matter of weeks they will devour the worlds.

Racing ahead of the apocalypse, Craze returns to the Backworlds to warn them and plan a defense. Only he can’t go home. Banned from Pardeep Station, he must wage a more urgent battle. His moon is under siege, and his friends are dying.

Bad things come in threes, and the galaxy is no exception. An old enemy returns, attacking moons and defenseless globes, leaving a wake of destruction. Worse than that, they threaten to join forces with the alien horde.

Defeat seems inevitable. Craze may not be able to stop it. Yet home is worth the fight.

54 thoughts on “A to Z Theme Reveal_A Glimpse Behind the Curtain

  1. sam, you’re killing me. you really are. i haven’t even finished the a to z yet! ah!

    this is so awesome! i’m already freaking out (the good way) wanting to write a story for this.

    well, here’s to crazy! **cheers**

    you are fantastic!


  2. I shouldn’t be surprised that your month will occupied by yet another amazing writing challenge and some of the best music I’ve ever heard, and I’m not. But I am a bit awe-struck. It’s just amazing how much you accomplish on here.
    And since I love the writer’s three main food groups I will do my damnedest to leave as many comments over the course of the month as possible!

    And a big, fat CONGRATS! to Mary for her new release!


  3. Pingback: April Come She Will #AtoZChallenge - Everyday Gyaan

  4. You, Sam, know how to party! Gosh April is going to be the most memorable month ever! Love and hugs and so glad we’re connected.

    Just remember my share of coffee, wine and chocolate!


  5. I love epic fantasy, though I doubt I’d be able to do the challenge. I’ve got too much other stuff I need to write first (that’s not tailored to YA). I look forward to your sneak peeks!


  6. Love me some super heros. In fact, I’m off to a preview screening of Captain America: The Winter Soldier on Monday and I can’t wait!
    I shall be returning April 1st to read the posts. 🙂


  7. Sam, you are the Queen Of Awesomeness!
    Go big or go home… you are going to rock next month!
    And another writing challenge? But why is it during April when our hands are ALREADY so full with the A to Z…. 🙂 but on the other hand, it does make sense to host it during April, when BloggyVille is abuzz and everyone is on a ” writing high”…
    I’ve reserved your seat in the front row of my Book Show!
    See you around on the A to Z circuit!
    Writer In Transit


  8. You live close to the Biltmore? Very cool. I’ve never been to the Biltmore, but it’s a beautiful part of the country.

    You’re doing your theme in a big way. Sounds exciting!

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog


  9. Pingback: The Great and Powerful A to Z Theme Reveal | writerlysam

  10. You had me at resident bartender…LOL. Very, very cool theme, and the contest sounds awesome! Your prize pack is so tempting too…I’m with you on two out the three food groups – can’t have chocolate – so my third is cheese. Yes, Crystal and I have discussed this 😉
    I’m looking forward to this. Your writing is always amazing and powerful and I can’t wait to see what you do with this!
    Tina @ Life is Good
    A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014


  11. Hallo, Hallo fellow A2Z’er!

    I had a bit of a “late, late” like the Rabbit of Alice in Wonderland start to the A to Z Reveal today! Thankfully, everyone has been posting their Reveal posts to Twitter, and thereby, I am able to visit & hop! 🙂

    I remember chatting with you in the AZChat!! 🙂 Hmm,… as far as superheroes go, I’m a bit of a traditionalist in my preferences, as I prefer either “Batman & Robin” with George Clooney & Chris O’ Donnell in the lead roles in motion picture OR the wicked sweet tv series featuring Burt Ward & Adam West! 🙂 I’ll return to see which way your posts go, as I do admit, I love the mythology & kickin’ the bad guys to the curb attitude of superheroes standing up for the honour of the innocent!

    How a wicked sweet time blogging!
    I’m quite excited myself! 🙂
    I’m a first timer btw!

    Jorie A to Z Reveal Post


  12. Samantha, it is indeed a pleasure having you on the team, and exchanging the laughs– thanks for hosting the reveal, for being part of TeamDamyanti, and for being you!

    No one can help loving your theme– it really was worth the wait :D. Have fun this April!


  13. Hi Samantha,

    Not all of us have been waiting for the moment this blasted alphabet challenge commences! 🙂 Still, a bit of Greek mythology certainly captivates.

    Wishing much fun and positive interaction within the sharing, caring blogging community.

    Argghhhhh!!!! Please, I having an alphabet nightmare!

    Have a lovely weekend, Samantha.

    Gary 🙂


  14. Yay that you’re finally getting this ball rolling. This is an awesome story that I can’t wait to see more of!! You’re an amazing writer, my amazing friend!


  15. Pingback: A to Z Theme Reveal_A Glimpse Behind the Curtain | thesifotsnextdoor

  16. This is awesome, Samantha! I re-blogged on my sifotsnextdoor blog, just for shizzits and grins. People still follow it! I’m looking forward to being in this challenge with you this year! Let me know if anyone wants an irascible violist! Mary


  17. Wow, Sam–excellent theme, and very much looking forward to the posts! That contest sounds awesome, too, and how lovely that you’re hosting. Much success with it! Thanks for co-hosting this party, Sam–better fun’s never been had 🙂


  18. Mercy, what a production! You had me at “Welcome to Olympus” but OK all that extra stuff, right on, and I’ll be camped out at the door for the grand opening on April Fools’ Day : D


  19. O my goodness … too too toooo exciting Sam! I would have loved to do the theme reveal but not to be – travelling in aeroplanes at that time and I had a problem with the linky link … but no fear, all is clear, you are dear, and the time is near …
    sorry, I think I’m losing it …
    Garden of Eden Blog


  20. Holy red capes, Batman! You have quite a lot going on here! Can’t wait to read your take on Olympus and what all that entails. Looking forward to reading your stuffs throughout April!

    I’m participating in AtoZ, as well. My topic is writing in general + my current work-in-progress in particular.

    See you around!
    ~Andi-Roo @TheWorld4Realz


  21. It was the “Resident Bartender” link for A to Z that got me here. So what time does the bar open on April 1st, cuz I’d like to hang out there while I madly read ‘n Write!


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