Realms Faire_Cody Still: Into Oblivion

 Cody Still BannerBanner design by Koke Núñez Gómez

Into Oblivion

Our Realms Faire journey ‘Into Oblivion’ begins November 10th. Join us for a serial adventure inspired by the music of composer, Cody Still. Listen to the featured album selections and choose the correct track that sparked each chapter and you’re entered to WIN 2 digital albums by Sub Pub Music!

▶ Submit your track selection for each chapter in the comments section below! 5 chances to enter. One entry per person/per day. Open internationally.

 ▶ A bonus challenge will be unveiled November 14th, where you’ll have the chance to WIN signed album art!

▶ The commenting window for all chapters will remain open until Monday, Nov. 17th, midnight EST!

▶ Winners will be announced on November 18th. Three winners will be randomly selected to receive digital albums, Ununpentium and Involution.

Chapter 1
Inspired by
by Samantha Redstreake Geary

CODY had no recollection of the ship’s landing. Images of a wormhole flashed before his eyes, like a scene from a transport window, its edges blurred with the brush of speed. He attempted to access his memories manually, but the implant merely flickered and stilled.

Cody scanned the vast, verdant landscape for signs of the Gryphon and its passengers. The absence of his charge was of particular concern, as they had never been separated.  Wherever he looked, Cody found only soaring mountains that slipped into valleys, impossibly flushed with the radiance of a remembered sun. Such landscapes had only existed within the pixels of projections, pieced together from the fading remnants of history. But this, Cody sensed, was no replication…

Read the rest of CHAPTER 1, listen to the music, and wager a guess, HERE!

Realms Faire BadgeWelcome to Realms Faire, an annual event hosted by Dimensions in Fiction author, M. Pax. The virtual festival kicks off November 10th, featuring several themed events where fans can play to win some amazing prizes, including books, albums, giftcards, and more! Visit the links below and help spread the word! #grogz

VelociRaffle ~ Joust ~ Drench-a-Wench/Soak-a-Bloke ~ Stockade Brigade ~ Dueling Bards ~ Phasers ~ Wisdom of the Creative Realms ~ Dragon Hunt ~ Riddle Me This





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