Reflections of a Dreamer

InsecureWritersSupportGroupIWSG meets the first Wednesday of every month. A community of brilliant writers led by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Visit the Insecure Writer’s Support Group website and database! You’ll find  everything from writing to marketing, along with encouragement and support!

It’s fitting that today is IWSG. Seeing as how Alex has been an unfailing supporter since my online debut back in March of 2013, it’s no surprise that he’s a winner of a Biltmore-themed commenter prize!

And many composer collaborations later, I’ve finally cajoled Alex into joining my latest EPIC event with audiomachine! More details on the PHENOMENA project will be announced this FRIDAY! We’re accepting writing & art entries for audiomachine’sEpic Heroes” contest through May 15th, so tap into your imaginations and join the fun!A-to-Z Reflection [2014]

I want to send out my heartfelt thanks to everyone who stopped by during the crazy month that is April’s A to Z Challenge to take a peek at my upcoming Biltmore-inspired YA novel “Architects of Illusion“! This novel series is my biggest, most ambitious project to date. Needless to say, I was anxious to hear feedback. I truly value your comments and the time you spent in my world. The show of encouragement from gracious readers & inspiring composers alike have bolstered my passion for this story and will continue to push me towards achieving my DREAM!

Special thanks to my additional commenting winners–you guys rock! (Shoot me an email with your address to receive your Biltmore-goodies:)

Michelle Wallace

C. Lee McKenzie

SD Neeve


Yolanda Renee

To say April was a busy month would be the understatement of the year. Between novel edits, running an international album promotion for PHENOMENA, teaching an AMAZING group of gifted teens through Elevate Life & Art, planning a big book trailer, in collaboration with audiomachine, for Grammarly’s groundbreaking GrammoWriMo Novel, “The Lonely Wish-Giver” (which I also contributed to), AND juggling commenting/minion duties for the incredible #TeamDamyanti (muwah!)–I was ready to drown myself in a barrel of Biltmore wine!

With well over 2K participants, the Challenge was a huge success! There were so many awesome posts I enjoyed, and many more I didn’t have the chance to read. I hope to catch up on what I missed over the next few months. I loved meeting new folks and exchanging witty fun with familiar “faces”. You’re all welcome here anytime, where the bar, the banter, and the imagination, are always open.



Create an original superhero for a chance to be PUBLISHED in an audiomachine ebook!

Open APRIL 15th through MAY 15th.

18 thoughts on “Reflections of a Dreamer

  1. I didn’t try to keep up with any of you in May. I’m exhausted reading what you did. 🙂 I had my fingers to the keyboard… must get these books done, done, done. Hope you get to relax a little in May.


  2. Grats to the winners!

    I have to say, your excerpts were quite fun, not to mention you paired them with some wonderfully enchanting music. Great job!


  3. Wow, I won? Awesome! Thanks.
    Really looking forward to getting the soundtrack and the eBook that will follow.
    Glad the Challenge was a big success for you. Yeah, it was a nutty month. I had way more to do than I thought possible. But obviously, we both got it done.
    And I look forward to reading your story in its entirety.


  4. You described our month extremely well. I would just substitute other activities for those you listed, but mine was equally insane…

    You minions really rocked! #teamdamyanti was a force of power with imagination and style! Thanks all of you. I also so agree that there were SO many posts I wanted to read, and now I finally have the chance to catch up with some of my favorite people! Are you joining the Road Trip since you’re going to continue to visit? Details if you follow link in signature.
    Congrats on all your amazing projects!

    Tina @ Life is Good
    On the Open Road! @ Join us for the 4th Annual Post-Challenge Road Trip!


  5. I’ve a tendency not to win writing competitions, and my heroes are as weird as I am, but maybe I’ll try to come up with one that passes for somewhat normal. Then again, meh–normal is boring!
    Team Netherworld is going to be visiting blogs from the A to Z list all year! The blogs we participated with were,, and
    My whingy Insecure Writer posting is here.


  6. Sam, thanks for the generous prize.
    However, attempting to post stuff to me is not such a good idea…
    Ask Amy Willoughby-Burle – I’m still waiting for the parcel of books (some were signed by authors) that I won in her Facebook competition. She posted it in January. It’s disappeared into thin air…
    I was so sad… 😦


  7. Hi human, Samantha,

    My human is sleeping and thus, I shall comment for him. Besides, my comments are always better than his 🙂

    My dear human, you did very well in the alternative to my alternative and highly loved challenge, The Alphabark Challenge, 2014! I congratulate you for that. I congratulate all those worthy prize winners noted. All adoring fans of mine, of course.

    Thank you, once again, for being part of the “IWSG” aka “I Was Seeking Gary.” Hey, we have to humour my delusional human!

    Have a peaceful Sunday and well done, Samantha.

    Penny, the cordial host of The Alphabark Challenge, 2014!


  8. How did I miss this? I think I’m still in that April Alphabet spin. Thanks, Sam. Appreciate the goodies. I’ve jumped in to read some of the super hero entries. They’re great!


  9. Late to the party as usual! Thanks, Sam for choosing me as one of your winners *bows with honour*, how could I not comment on such beautiful, poetic writing. I’m still waiting patiently for the book, though. 😉

    I’ve answered your email, you should have received it (hopefully). If not, check the spam folder for one titled “How The Devil Are You!”.

    Thanks again. 😀


  10. Ooh, you had such a fascinating theme for the A-Z! Looking forward to this latest project, especially if the Ninja Captain is involved!


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