The AtoZ of EOS_Photovoltaics

E O S_Banner

A new dawn is on the horizon, where boundaries are broken, diversity is embraced, and an optimistic, creative vision of our future on Earth takes center stage.

AtoZ BADGE 2016      Damyanti's AtoZ Divas Badge_Final

Fear takes us down an unexpected road in EOS, a revolutionary Solarpunk story from author Samantha Redstreake Geary, in collaboration with artist Jenny Vyas, featuring music by Really Slow Motion, and groundbreaking graphics via designer Koke Núñez Gómez! EOS tackles real-world issues concerning terrorism, prejudice, and diversity, to near-future technology surrounding sustainable energy that restores the balance between humanity and nature. This isn’t a defeatist tale. It is a look through the lens of positive futurism that showcases the courage, compassion and capabilities of humanity as equal partners in building a bridge to a better tomorrow.

 Powered by the Sun

Solar Power

“EOS, why don’t you tell everyone how nature pays the bills,” Nellie suggests.

“The windows are transparent, self-repairing solar photovoltaic cells containing nanocrystals that convert ninety percent of captured sunlight into energy. The nanostructures Dr. Oadira designed concentrate the sun’s energy over a thousand times its normal intensity. They trap and absorb the light with minimal loss. The electric voltage created is collected and channeled via array cables.”

“How do you store the energy for evening use?” Masako asks.

“Yes, EOS, how do we do that?” Rafael coaxes, swallowing the rest of his red wine.

“Through a process similar to photosynthesis. Energy from the solar cells’ electric current is used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen gases and is stored in that form,” EOS explains. “When we need power, the gases recombine inside a fuel cell, creating carbon-free electricity.”

“That’s bloody brilliant,” Vanisa cheers, holding up her glass.

“Yes, very impressive,” Masako agrees. “Selene and I would be very interested in hearing more about the nanostructures and…” Masako looks around the room. “Where is Selene?” 

Nellie walks over to the door and peeks into the hall. “She’s riding in the hovertube with Arjun.”

Behind the Scenes
– Starring AtoZ rockstars –

An invitation to visit the secret summit soared to the top of Misha Gericke‘s Five Year Project bucket list. The sun-kissed setting alone sparked infinite ideas on how to spin her next fantastical journey, a sequel to her bestselling hit, Endless. Misha had taken charge of her life, scheduled a first-class flight from South Africa, and blocked out a month to spend at Viridis, a place where dreams don’t stay dreams.

Misha leaned over the rooftop railing beside Andrea to listen to her latest inspirational playlist. As someone who ate music & words for breakfast, with a side of pancakes, Andrea Michaels wasn’t one to leave room for silence. As a result, she was in charge of booking the music gigs for Viridis’ social calendar, but narrowing down the talent to 30 bands from across the globe was no easy task. She decided, The Script, would set a pretty awesome tone for the summit’s solar-powered stage.

Soumya Prasad tapped her foot to the beat drumming through Andrea’s earbuds while polishing off her second dose of coffee. A Bangalorite techie to the core, Soumya devoured every bit of glorious innovation Viridis had to offer. She jotted down her new tech obsessions in her life of leo holopad, a delightfully advanced prototype on loan from the summit engineers which she planned on conveniently forgetting to return.

Djinnia peers over Soumya‘s shoulder and eyes the ghostly holographic contraption warily. An authority on urban legends from around the world, she knew everything had a dark side, and felt certain Viridis was no exception. If there were monsters lurking about, djinnia would find them, and then write about her encounter after smiting them with her mammoth book bag.

Really Slow Motion – Battle Angel – The Sky is my Kingdom – Lionel Schmitt


EOS Commenting Contest

Swing by and leave us a comment for a chance to WIN a digital copy of RSM’s latest public album, Battle Angel!

Each Comment = One Entry 

Battle Angel_RSM

EOS Review Contest

Starting April 1st, I’ll reveal sensory-rich sneak peeks into the world of EOS, a futuristic sci fi solarpunk short story available on AMAZON for $0.99Post a REVIEW of EOS on AMAZON by May 31st and you’ll be entered to WIN a signed copy of RSM’s Battle Angel and signed limited edition print from painter, Jenny Vyas!

Add EOS on Goodreads!

EOS_Amazon Cover

5 thoughts on “The AtoZ of EOS_Photovoltaics

  1. That sounds like awesome technology. I’d like to believe we’ll have more solar-powered technologies within my lifetime, including more affordable, practical solar-powered cars.


  2. That technology sounds mighty efficient, I wish there was more buzz about renewable energy today!
    Thanks for making me part of the behind the scenes story, loved the way you lined us up 😊


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