Illumination Collaborative Flash Fiction Challenge Winners

Illuminations_Michael MaasIn the spirit of art influencing art, we joined forces in an epic collaboration where writers were given the opportunity to set their words to film composer, Michael Maas‘, inspiring music!

Michael Maas, along with fellow composers, Martin Hasseldam, David Christiansen, Sandro Schmidt and Stefano Fasce. who contributed to the “Piano and Strings Edition” industry release, read through all the entries and chose their top three favorites.

The winners will be awarded mp3 files of the five selected tracks from the exclusive film industry release “Piano and Strings Edition” as well as Michael’s new album, Illumination.

If you’ve become a slap-happy fan of Michael Maas‘ amazing music, his Illumination album is available on emusic, Amazon and iTunes!

Top 3 Winners

Nick Johns with Rise to Fall

C. Lee McKenzie with Revenge of the Earth

Lisa Shambrook with Remember Me

Congratulations to the winners and to all the incredible writers who participated in this collaborative challenge! Winnerssend me your email address to receive your music!


13 thoughts on “Illumination Collaborative Flash Fiction Challenge Winners

  1. Oh yeah and due to circumstances beyond my control, I couldn’t participate. Besides, wouldn’t of been fair on the rest. I state, ever so modestly! 🙂

    Well done to the worthy trio of winners. I’m in awe of all you amazing writers n’stuff!



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